01. Can Ayurveda treat Parkinson?
Yes, not only Parkinson but much other neurological disease like; Facial neuralgia, Multiple sclerosis, Paralysis, Paraplegia, Bell’s palsy, Convulsions.
02. Is it better than Allopathic medicine?
Yes it creates fundamental changes in the body and restores the proper balance to keep it normal and healthy.
03. Can it give permanent relief?
Yes, we do not claim miracles. This is a well-proven Indian system of medicine. It takes up to 3 years to bring fundamental balance in our body. After this, the change is permanent.
04. What is the basis of fluctuation for other side effects of Levodopa?
We're not absolutely sure. It seems that the fluctuation is due to the plasma level of Levadopa. Generally the level remains high for about three hours and then begins to drop off. Over a period of years the patients develop a faster rate of absorption leading to greater fluctuations. Hence, the therapeutic effect tends to peak faster and fall of more rapidly. However, the pattern varies with the individual.
05. Dr. Paneri, What is the relationship between your medicine and Levadopa?
When a patient shows some improvement with the use of my medicine, I urge them to continue with their other medicines. Usually after six months patients develop strength. At this time, if the Parkinson symptoms become less pronounced, and there are no complications, I reduce the dose of Levadopa down to the minimum. After the reduction is effective, I add some more powerful medicine, which will reduce Levadopa dependency further..
06. Dr. Paneri, is there any interaction between Ayurvedic medicine and other Parkinson medicine?
I have not seen any significant problems when they are taken together. Occasionally patients have gas problem, and some complain of anorexia.
07. Do you offer a PD patient advice on diet, posture, sleeping and exercise?
Yes. There is a well-organized plan on the above matters as well as other procedures. This will be provided after you register as a patient.